About me


Hi there and welcome!

                                       Glad you have decided to explore my Blog!
                I am a 12 year old girl that loves Jesus and wants to serve Him more!
      I have always enjoyed writing though stories don't go so well. Why? Because I  normally have no idea how to end them:) But I am getting better! For more about me. I have always been a bookworm since age 1 and started reading at age 4 or 5 and have loved reading ever since. But for the basic.My fave colors are purple, gray, yellow, and maybe some turquoise. I live in Singers Glen VA. And my name is Elisheva, Ellie, LE, and whatever you want to call me. I have this blog to give you inspiration and a fun experience. I hope you enjoy my blog and get inspiration and lots of laughs! :)

                        -Elisheva K.

PS. The pic was taken by a friend. Ashley Tice.


  1. Hi! I'm just exploring blogs and thought I would stop and say hi! I like your blog!


  2. Hi Elisheva,
    I'm doing a shout out for fans' blogs over on Andi's blog, and I need to know which one you want me to use. This one . . . or your new one "Stories of Redemption" that you asked me to put up. They both seem to have the same Monica story. Please let me know!

    1. Hi there I am so sorry about the mix up!
      Please use asolidrockoffaith.blogspot.com.
      -A Daughter of Christ

  3. Hi! I'm using my Mom's email address, so now I can comment on your blog posts!

  4. Ellie, do you think you'll post something about the youth retreat? That might be fun to read about.

  5. Yeah that would be a great idea I might look into it but I would be posting it on:
    Thanks and have a great day!
    ~A Daughter of Christ~

  6. Hey! I was looking for new blogs to follow and passed by yours! I like your blog a lot! I am 13 and love reading. We pass thru Va on our way to Pa (I live in Tn ^_^)



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