6th chapter!

Here is the sneak peek for the 6th Chapter! Check here for the whole thing!

 Monica dismounted and walked slowly toward Travis. 'What in the world was going on here? Why was Travis having a picnic with Uncle Micah of all people? Well I aim to find out!' She thought trying to come up with a mean thing to say. But Uncle Micah was a little quicker.
                "Well, hello there Nica what a pleasant surprise!" Micah said kindly. She saw Travis turn his head rather quickly and stare at Uncle Micah in surprise and shock.
                  "Um, yes what were you guys doing up here? Is this why you needed two burgers?" She retorted aiming her last comment toward Travis. 
                  "Listen Nica," Travis glanced at Uncle Micah nervously, cleared his throat and went on, " I just wanted to, well, get to know your Uncle better and I asked if he would come up into the mountains with me." He finished and looked down quickly.
                  "And why couldn't you tell me that was what you were doing? Is there a little more to it, huh?" She said getting closer.


 "Well, not until you tell what is wrong remember?" The smile immediately left her face and he regretted that he had brought it up.
                  "Well, do I really need to tell you?" She hesitated.
                  "Yes, please?" He pleaded. 
                 "Monica you said you would," said Uncle Micah joining the conversation. She immediately paled, and both Travis and Micah were not expecting the next words that she would utter.

Some of this may seem to be missing things. That is just part of it! Check out more by clicking the link at the top of the page!

~A Daughter of Christ~
    Elisheva Kauffman!

PS. Please comment below what you think!


  1. Awesome! I love it! (I am Writer Girl, by the way). I love finding other young writers like me!

  2. Is this the Amanda I know?
    ~A Daughter of Christ~

  3. I don't think so, lol! But I would love to get to know you anyway!!

  4. Okay so this is not Amanda Tice?
    If you would like to could you send me and introduction in the want to talk in the side bar. And maybe I can get to know you better!

    ~A Daughter of Christ~

  5. Oh, I'm sorry, I can't do that because I can't give out my email address. But this is what I would say: I am a young Christian homschooled highschooler, who LOVES to write, desires to serve the Lord, and can't resist chocolate!
    ~Amanda (not Amanda Tice, lol)

  6. Do you have a blog?
    I would love to get to know you though it may be hard with out an email address:)
    Though I thoroughly understand the need for not sharing it! :)
    Hope to talk to you later and by the way I chat on Circle C as A Daughter of Christ!
    Maybe you can suggest a time and we can get to know one another there!?

    ~A Daughter of Christ~

  7. I can try, maybe! My life is really busy right now with all of my writing. I do not have a blog, but I want to start one

  8. Okay what times suit you I am usually on at 1:30. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday!
    Hope that works!
    ~A Daughter of Christ!~

  9. I don't know if we are in the same time zone! What time zone are you in?

  10. Eastern Daylight!
    What about you?
    Okay hope it can work out some time! :)

    ~A Daughter of Christ~

  11. Central time. I don't know if I can or not!

  12. Okay well hopefully I paths cross at some point!
    ~A Daughter of Christ~

  13. I hope so! I'll be on Circle C every now and then!


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