It's that time of year!

It's that time of year
When the last snowflakes show their face,
When the sun tricks you by it's sunny beams
And the sky is interchanging every minute of the day.

This is the time of year I like,
when the air is cool and crisp.
The sun so bright
 and the snow twinkling in the light

But oh I yearn for the sunny warm days
When the sun beats down in golden rays,
And when the garden yields it fruit.
Those are the days that I wish for.

Here are a couple pics that kinda go with the made up saying/poem


  1. Good pictures LE!

  2. I like the pictures. By the way, it's just me, Ellie from morning view. I was using Mom's email address. So.......yeah. I feel much more mature now. Just saying.

  3. One day, I hope to start a blog. It would be cool if Taziah had one, wouldn't it?

  4. I was liking your poam, so I made a time for it, so it's kinda like a song! I know something you'd probably love! (You should go on stage)

  5. Hey there, Thanks! I would love to hear it sometime. And you could go check out my new blog. Because I don't really post on this one anymore.
    Have a great day!
    ~A Daughter of Christ~

  6. Lovely post! Really enjoying your blog. Thanks for the share!

  7. Wow! So much detail! I really like it. I'm excited to read more!!!

  8. Love this.This sounds interesting..Thanks for sharing!

  9. Lovely post! Really enjoying your blog. Thanks for the share!


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