Another one of those Days!

It’s one of those days.

When you wonder where the sun is. Those rainy, dreary days.
Today isn’t as bad as some. Like the ones with all-day dark skies and thunderstorms.
Today you see dark clouds, but chasing them down is a slice, but mind only a slice of light.
But the point of this paper is to change your mindset. If you wake up on a rainy day and are like a lot of us teenagers you would say, ” Aw, another rainy day I was planning to go on a bike ride!” At least that is what I would say. We all like sunny warm days and you know that.(:
So we are going to change your mindset or at least suggest a way to if you have this problem. It took me awhile to do so, but I took a walk one rainy day and it changed everything.
When I went on a walk or when you go on that walk take some time to notice the little things about a rainy day. The chirping of little birds, the drip, drip, drip of the rain, the soft silence, {other than creation} and other little things.
Image result for rainbow images on a rainy day
I think though the thing that pleased me most was the peace that settled over me  when I decided not to complain.  I actually started to enjoy the rain. So try it, it might not help but if you struggle with rainy or wet, muddy days why don’t you try to change that mindset by taking a walk.
I in ending will have to say that sometimes I still say “AW” on a really dark day. But when you and I wake up on a rainy day let’s try to say, “Well, God gave us some more beauty!”
God has given us rainy days for a reason. Maybe one reason is to change our complaining mindset. (:
Who agrees to this?  Or do you enjoy rain?
Let me know by commenting below!

“Yea, another rainy day to see God’s beautiful creation!”


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