Music. Ah! The pleasant melodies running through my head.

Image result for images of a mandolin
Music is not to be higher than God and it can be easy to make it so. Music is a needed thing in my life. I have a passion and somewhat talent for music. Having a lesson in music, on two different instruments, in one hour is kind of stressful, but it doesn’t need to be. It also can be enjoyable.
I remember wanting to play violin and my parents said,……“No, not until after you have at least two years of piano. I was sorta disappointed but after I started I really like it and play piano pretty well now. After piano though I didn’t go to violin {even though I did try for a little it didn’t work out} I went to ukulele and mandolin and have throughly enjoyed it.
I think music is important in everyone’s lives to praise and worship the Lord. It also seems to settle an inner joy and peace inside of you. And for one other thing music seems to do is put you on the positive, good side of things.
Have you ever had a passion for music? Have you ever attempted starting music? Do you play many or one instrument? I would love to hear about it! {Tell me through the comments!}


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