When some think of Easter they think bunnies and eggs.

Now where in the world did that come from? Bunnies don’t even come out of eggs. I have been thinking about it and my cousin came up with the conclusion that Jesus came out of the tomb just like a  chick comes out of an egg. Now I don’t really believe that, but that was his idea. I don’t know where the bunnies come in πŸ™‚ So if you have any ideas comment below.
But before I stop writing I am going to type up a little of my thoughts on the resurrection and crucifixion chapters. So get out your Bible because I suggest that you read the verses and then check out the thought. {or it might not make sense}
Luke 22:40 Notice that is says,……
” ….that ye enter not into temptation.” I thought that was interesting in the fact that Jesus is kind of saying if you do not pray Satan will take that privlidge. I don’t know really what it means but that is what it tells me.
Luke 22:42 I thought it was interesting that Jesus said deliver me and then He said but do whatever is your will. That is what we as Christians need to do. Even if we may be going through the shadow of death and we say deliver me. What we need to say is, “Lord whatever is your will let it happen.”
Luke 22:44 I don’t no if you ever thought about it but in a different way and reason Jesus shed His blood before He even reached the cross. The Bible says He sweated blood. He shed His blood because He was stressed because He knew what was happening. Let’s stop again and thank Jesus for the blood he shed for us. πŸ™‚
Luke 22:64 Do we sometimes do what the soilders did to Jesus. Do we say, “If your so great then do it yourself.” We shouldn’t do that, we are told God will help us, but you need to work too, not just leave it to God. Let’s try to change that, at least I am going to try. πŸ™‚  {Check out the thought on Luke 22:67-69 in my page ‘Little Devotional’}
Luke 23:40 This verse caught my attenition I really don’t know why. But is was the criminal that said these words. And in our own words it was like he said, “You still don’t respect him even though he is in the same situation as you.” I would say that is when he came to the reliazation that he and everyone needs Christ.
So that is what I have if you have questions or comments please say so below. πŸ™‚
Have a blessed day!


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